Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision
Chester, my Golden Retriever who is the devil with fur, happens to be Obsessive Compulsive. I honestly think he does it to annoy me, but that's beside the point. He gets in this zone where he will lick his paw, belly, back, hindleg - you name it - in the same motion for HOURS if we didn't stop him. He'll lick Kevin's foot or leg in the same manner, which curiously doesn't bother Kevin, but makes me want to scratch my own eyes out. I am almost Reverse Obsessive Compulsive, where repetitive sounds quite literally make me crazy. Chinese Water Torture? I'd give up any secret I had within minutes.

My reason for telling you this, is that it got me thinking last night. As I was hurling pillows at the furball in the dark, secretly hoping one of them would knock him out cold (he woke me from a sound sleep, for crying outloud), I thought about how we can be so focused on one thing that we are completely oblivious to all else. Admittedly, this happens to me when things get crazy around here, other business Stuff falls to the wayside. It's the balancing of all of it - for me it's constantly thinking about marketing, direct mail, e-correspondance, packaging, literature, sales reps, etc. - that ensures that the business keeps running, that is the hardest part.

Sometimes we need someone to chuck a pillow at us to change our focus. What do you do to make sure you don't get Tunnel Vision?


Cindy said...

Sometimes it helps to talk things over with a friend. The questions and comments you get can give you a fresh perspective on the situation... and sometimes help you realize it's not as bad as you think.

Susan said...

I couldn't agree more. Perspective is always a good thing!

Anonymous said...

I think you have a valid point. Strangely enough, I sometime wish I had more of a lazer focus on things. My issue is getting too many things at once going and then going crazy with not having them completed. I honestly feel that if Chester could share some of his OCD, that it might come in handy from time to time.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say, what a nice head on shot that boy has. Any family resemblance?

Susan said...

What if you pretended you just had that one thing on your plate, schedule it like an appointment and tackle it like it's your only thing to do that day. I'm sure that spreading your time over many things, but not completing them can be frustrating.

Oh, and to answer your question, he looks just like my husband. Behaves like him too.

Michelle said...

My gr does the same stuff. It's like sleeping with a third person in the room. For the most part she got the boot!

I, too, am terrible about having several projects going on. The last few days I have been very strict with myself and made myself complete one task at a time. That almost killed me, but I feel like I accomplished something. I guess there's satisfaction knowing it's OVER!

Susan said...

Good for you for being strict with yourself... sounds like it paid off!