Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Things I've learned this week...

  • That daunting projects aren't so daunting once you start them.
  • That watching the food channel when I'm hungry is a bad idea.
  • That asking the basic question, "Is this helping me achieve my goal?" helps me assess certain situations for what they really are.
  • That if I haven't touched a book in 2 weeks, I'm probably not interested in it.
  • That as soon as I sell out of something, it's going to be a hot commodity.
  • That sometimes all we need is just a little patience.

Have you stopped to think about what you've learned this week?


Brenda said...

1) that no matter how hard you try, you can't make a stubborn, strong-willed almost 4 yr old do something they don't want to do
2) that sometimes mommy needs to take a time out
3) that my social calender apparently has been too busy and my dh is "starving"
4) my son amazes me in more ways than I could even imagine
5) that if I'm not in the mood to read or write, no matter how much I WANT to do it, it isn't going to happen.
6) that apparently pineapple and/or watermelon doesn't agree with me.

Hard lessons to learn this week...it's been a rough week.

Cindy said...

I've been thinking a lot about this post... read it a while ago and have been contemplating what I've learned lately. Here are some of my thoughts:

- At your funeral, no one talks about how much money you made. They talk about how good of a friend, sister, community member, and mother you are.
- Even when everything seems to be going wrong, a small thing going right can make the day seem much brighter.
- Cheezy church signs can sometimes have something useful to say. This week's quote on a local country church: "When all seems lost, the future still remains."
- EVERYONE is fighting their own battles.

Perhaps my recent lessons have been a bit morbid, but I'm thankful for them.

Susan said...

I didn't think it was morbid, I thought hopeful. Thanks for the insight!