Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What if?

A great way to jump-start creative thinking is to pose the question, "What if?" That's actually how I came up with the idea for Soap Rolls; by removing the constraints of "this is how it's done" thinking - I was able to see that soap didn't have to be in bar-form. I'm a huge believer in throwing out the rulebook (in business, especially) and opening yourself up to possibilities. This applies to everything from hatching an idea to getting PR to picking packaging (and I'm sure much more!)

"The real key to asking what-if is allowing yourself to probe the possible, the impossible, and even the impractical for ideas. After all, you're only limited by your imagination..." - Roger von Oech, Ph.D. in A Whack on the Side of the Head.

Here's to creative rule-breaking!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Jump in!

After 7 years of running my own business, I'm looking to interact with an online community of innovators, store owners, soap-lovers, outside-the-box-thinkers, empowering moms and mavericks with like minds.

My background: I am the founder of What Fun! Inc., a company that specializes in creating innovative bath products. I designed and created our flagship product, Soap Rolls, to refute the notion that soap had to be ordinary. I came up with the idea for Soap Rolls while stuck in traffic; I realized that some things in life don’t have to be boring. [take a breath!] After experimenting with glycerin soap, I made the first Soap Rolls on my kitchen stove and did so through the first year of the business. Seven years later, over 400,000 soap rolls have been produced (thankfully not in my kitchen) and have been sold in over 1500 stores across the country and internationally. [you're almost done!] I have recently joined up with my sister to start “Itsy Bitsy & Bold”, creating clothing that has playful images and inspiring ideas to encourage kids to be creative, confident and powerful. [not long now!] I am a graduate of Florida State with a degree in Graphic Design, and experience in advertising, marketing, and product design. I live in Annapolis, MD with my husband, and our naughty golden retriever, who ironically has eaten a bar of “Irish Spring”, but no soap rolls. You can’t win ’em all.

What I love: Spending time with my family, Spontaneity, Brainstorming sessions, "Sex and the City", Traveling, "Gilmore Girls", Business books that I get a lot out of, Decadent bath products, making lists.

Things that make me laugh until I'm crying: Will Farrell's scene in Wedding Crashers, my husband 99.9% of the time (he has to have something to strive for), Jon Stewart, my sisters impersonations.