Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mish Mash

No real theme for today's post - other than I'm going to be all over the place. Here are some random things...

Thanks to your input, we added the size 2T to our "I will color outside the lines" baby tee! We also added bright new colors to the "Brainy Beanies"! It's always fun to add things to a product line, waiting to see if people like your ideas.

If you are anywhere between the DC metro area and NYC (this includes Philly) and you know of a Trunk Show or Holiday Showcase - I'd love to know about it. We do really well at these events so I'm looking to schedule a few for the fall. I've got a couple lined up - but am looking for more!

Have you ever felt like your technology is disappointed in having you as an owner? I got a new PDA and I swear it would roll it's eyes if it had any every time I turn it on. I know it can do about 3 million more things than what I use it for and I have guilt.

"We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down." -Kurt Vonnegut
See? I told you it was going to be a mish mash. Do you have any random thoughts you'd like to share? Doesn't have to be related!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

My final project for my practicum involved PDAs... and it was very frustrating. It's a long story that I'll share sometime if you're interested. :)

Random thoughts...

I could only live in the country if I lived in an area with flat land. Windy country roads make me ill.