Thursday, May 03, 2007


Chester, the King of our house (that is, until bebe arrives and we have a new dictator), has some bad habits. I've written about his OCD issues before, but that's just one tiny facet of his personality.

He has some harmless habits, like the intense need to steal a shoe whenever someone comes in the front door. I say "harmless" because he doesn't hurt the shoe, he just runs into my office with it and waits there to be called. Don't ask me why, I have no idea. We have tried removing all shoes from the area, but he just runs around looking for something, and kinda short-circuits. It's sad to watch, really. We've tried everything and cannot break this habit.

And he has some not-so-harmless habits. Like yesterday when he bolted out the door when we had a visitor, and made a beeline for the water. He had a grand ol' time - swimming, chasing geese, and generally ignoring his mom no matter how much I yelled for him. I use the word "habit" because unfortunately, this was not even close to being the first time he performed this shenanigan.

The reason I bring this up (besides just wanting to vent about the antics of the little creep) is that it got me thinking about the habits (harmless and otherwise) we create when it comes to our creativity. Do you need to have certain things in place to be able to brainstorm? Are you a late-night thinker... do you have to have absolute quiet... can you think in a busy environment?What kind of atmosphere do you need to extract a great idea?

Obviously, great ideas can come at any time - whether you have certain habits or not. But generally speaking, do you think it's a good "habit" to have certain rules that cultivate creativity, or is it better to be able to "wing it" at any time?


Brenda said...

I'm in a bad habit for writing. The only way I can write my book and brainstorm is while listening to music. I put on my Yahoo music and headphones and just zone out the rest of the world to concentrate on the characters of the book. I also need at least an hour chunk of time to do it takes me a while to get absorbed in the characters before I can write.
I normally can only write at night...though that was more because that was the time I could write. Now I'm trying to find ANY time to write! LOL

I think it's good to have some habits for creativity...after all, we are creatures of habit. But sometimes it's not so since Kyle was born my habits have inhibited my I don't have the time anymore like I used to. Sometimes I wish I could just let go and write anytime, anywhere.

Susan said...

Hmmm... how to forego our habits of creativity when time doesn't allow us the luxury of the "perfect" setting?? Let me think on it and see if I can come up with suggestions!