Wednesday, May 02, 2007


A couple of tidbits that have been rattling around in my brain cage...

Did anyone catch Stephen Colberts interview of Malcolm Gladwell, author of one of my favorite books, "The Tipping Point"? Due to my bizarre sleeping pattern these days, I fall asleep around 10 pm and wake up anytime between 2 and 4 am - and am up for hours. Thus, I didn't see The Colbert Report at the normal time, but caught the last minute of the interview in the wee hours. A very long-winded way of saying that I'm bummed I missed it and curious to know what he said.


I heard about this book, The Cluetrain Manifesto, and was wondering if anyone has read it, or has any interest in reading it. From a review on Amazon, "... filled with dozens of stories and observations about how business gets done in America and how the Internet will change it all. While Cluetrain will strike many as loud and over the top, the message itself remains quite relevant and unique. This book is for anyone interested in the Internet and e-commerce, and is especially important for those businesses struggling to navigate the topography of the wired marketplace." Might be worth looking into.


As a "thanks for reading", here's a coupon code good for anything on either of our web sites (, Feel free to pass along - don't be stingy! Just enter voucher code 30607060 at check-out to receive 15% off!

Anything random you want to share? I'm all ears.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I didn't catch that interview but would love to see it!

As for random things... I should probably just write a blog post about them, since I've been so incredibly lax in my blogging lately.