Thursday, July 05, 2007

My best product yet

As you probably pieced together (a month and a half after my last post), I am now a mom! Our little boy was born on June 7th, weighing 7 lbs 4 oz, and is as sweet as they come.

I have a couple of interesting business opportunities that have arisen since bebe was born - which at any other point would be very exciting, but right now, I can't get into it. I'm faking it pretty well, answering less-than-intelligent questions about soap and acting interested in the synthetic make-up of shirts, when really all I want to do is watch a tiny man sleep.

I'll write more soon and hey - it may even have something to do with creativity and business. (gasp!)


Cindy said...

He's so beautiful, Suz. I wish I could touch his cheecks through the screen.

Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased to see the little guy in picture form on the site and am so proud to watch you now as a mom. Both he and I are lucky to have your creative approach applied to our family for the time being. I love you both incredibly and look forward to all things the future holds.

Michelle said...

Enjoy this time!! It goes sooo fast!!

Brenda said...

He is so adorable!! And I totally understand about not being interested in anything else besides your son. This time is so precious. Enjoy it!