Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another new venture

So, it would appear that my lack of writing is on account of the bambino. In reality, it's because I started another business (yes, another one. yes, I am crazy.) Who would have thought that having 3 businesses that are retail-based and a baby would be a lot during the holidays? Obviously, not me.

The new business I started with my sister (she's even crazier than I am) is called Gifts for the Good Life and specializes in upscale custom gifts.. a gift concierge, if you will. The down-side: another business to tend to, and it can be a lot of work. The up-side: it's really fun, very creative and pretty rewarding.

So here's to taking on more than you can handle, just because you get to be creative!


Cindy said...

You're crazy, woman! But if you're happy, that's what matters. :)

Anonymous said...

I'll drink to that!
Here's to happiness, health, prosperity and gifts for the good life!

Anonymous said...

Hu cuz- You guys have so much cool stuff going on over there. A beautful baybee~ and all these neat-o buiness adventures. Hope we makes it down from the mountains, and back out to see you guys sometime soon- s.s and d.s