Thursday, April 06, 2006

Success as a Springboard!

I was glancing through a book I haven't picked up in a while, "If it ain't broke... Break it" by Robert J. Kriegel and the first page I turned to had the word "Springboard" in bold - so it caught my eye. The section is about not sitting back and reveling in your success, but using it to get even further.

"Use success as a springboard, not as a pedestal. A pedestal is static and presents a big stationary target, which makes it easy for someone to knock you off it. A springboard keeps you in motion, continually reaching for greater heights."

I try to take advantage of some of our successes. For example, when I knew I was going to be on QVC, I sent out a press release about our good fortune to a number of magazines and newspapers and in turn, was featured in three publications. It wasn't just to let them know that they could buy our products at 4 am on QVC (that was a bonus!), but really it was to build credibility through the QVC name and get attention for the company by making our own news.

What have you used as a springboard?

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