Monday, April 24, 2006

What's it gonna take?

I read Marketing Outrageously by Jon Spoelstra while in Florida and I think this is one of the best business-related books I've read in a while. It's a quick read; concise and easy to digest. I didn't have to read and reread certain parts to process what he was trying to say.
A couple of take-away snippets...

  • Ask yourself the question: What's it gonna take to _____ this year? (Fill in your own goal; triple my sales, write that book that's in my head, go back to school, etc) Spoelstra suggests writing down the question and keep it in your shirt pocket everyday, but I would recommend pinning it up in a good spot where you'll see it constantly. (Sorry, Mr. Spoelstra!) Anyway, making a list of answers to that question will make a daunting goal a little more doable.
  • About a month ago, I used this quote, "Hit 'em where they ain't" when talking about taking a different avenue than your competition. Spoelstra's used the same quote, along with, "... Or more to the point: Hit 'em where they ain't strong." I find his examples really helpful in illustrating his points.
  • Differentiate until you sweat. This not only goes for every company, large or small, but also any career; you want to differentiate yourself from everyone else. Play up the things that set you apart - even if it seems like it's a weakness at first.

Spoeltra's first book, Ice to the Eskimos looks really good too. It's next on my list! Let me know if you read either and what you got out of them.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Sounds interesting! Glad you enjoyed it!