Monday, May 08, 2006

Getting MasterCard to create a commercial for you: Priceless

I saw a commercial for MasterCard the other day that really got my wheels spinning. They were offering the opportunity to write one of their well-known "Priceless" commercials. Immediately, I thought of using it to get a national commercial for the Soap Rolls. How great would that be to have a major commercial filmed and paid for by MasterCard about our little soap rolls? The story alone could get us great attention, and since I've always thought that we're just steps away from that huge "big break" - I thought this could be it!

I wrote the script in my head very quickly... something to the effect of, "Coming up with an alternative to a bar of soap: $450. Turning your house into a soap factory: $3000. Producing 400,000 soap rolls: X amount. Getting MasterCard to create a commercial for you: Priceless."

I went to their website to see about submitting the idea and was pretty bummed to see that they have two storylines already filmed - you have to just fill in the blanks. Wouldn't it be so much better to let people write the whole thing? The way they are doing it - it's still their idea.

Anyway - I think I might still try to submit it - just for the hell of it. What do I have to lose? A "big break" doesn't just land in your lap - it happens when you go out on a limb.


Cindy said...

That's a clever idea. Best of luck!

Mary said...

Good luck, you are so clever!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sue, that's perfect. I totally think they should take your idea!

Susan said...

Thanks, ladies for your support! I appreciate it!

Susan said...

Wow. But how do you really feel, Pushy Pusherton. ;-)

Brenda said...

I LOVE your idea!! I would go out on a limb anyway!