Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Making the most of dryspells

I was talking to a friend recently who mentioned that business was excrutiatingly slow. She asked me how I get through the slower times without going insane. Unfortunately, dryspells don't just apply to owning your own business, it's natural to have a creative dryspell or a slump in just about any arena.

I'll admit, sometimes it's rough. I don't think I'll ever get over that nervous feeling I get when things slow down and I question whether things will ever be busy again!

I am always happier being busy, so for me, the key is to be busy until you really are. I create new projects by reassessing everything about the business. I redo sales materials, work on new product slants, send out press kits, and organize inventory. As it turns out, sometimes a dryspell is a blessing in disguise because it gives me time to really run the business, instead of just keeping up with it. So make the most of it, because sometimes there are no slow times, and then you are thankful for any break.

What do you do when you're in a slump? Are you in a dryspell you can't get out of?


Cindy said...

I'm the same way - I have to be busy or start going crazy. Professionally, I've had a very slow time lately, but I've tried to remind myself that it's allowed me to cruise through school at a nice pace and focus on other areas of my life. I've gotten very involved in Beta Sigma Phi, for example, and that has brought me a lot of joy.

Brenda said...

Funny you blog about this Suz. I'm in a "dryspell" creatively right now. What I have been doing recently is doing things I don't normally get a chance to do such as reading, watching movies, spending time with dh and Ryan.

Susan said...

I think it's important to remember that we can't always be at our best. So, go easy on yourself and just enjoy the brief downtime.