Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Spring cleaning for your mind

We spent part of our 3-day weekend doing some outdoor spring cleaning; cleaning off our deck and screened-in porch in preparation for all the time we're going to spend outside over the next few months.

It got me thinking about "spring cleaning" on the creative front. Clearing out the clutter (literally and figuratively) that's blocking our creative process. Here are 2 tips that have helped me get a fresh start...

Clear off your desk. Physically having the space around you clutter-free can do wonders for your creativity. Purge your area of anything that you aren't working on at the moment (keep in mind: it should only be one thing), and move all "pending" papers to another area. A good rule of thumb when going through papers is: file it, route it, or throw it away!

Clear up your "to do" list. I have had items on my list that have been there through two different presidents. My advice is to either make that your project of the day, or move it off the list temporarily. Seeing that thorn in your side appear on your list every day only makes your feel bad for not accomplishing something and you start to gloss over it.

Do you have any tips for "spring cleaning for the mind"? Would love to know!


Cindy said...

Kind of on the same lines, I've found that cleaning out my daily "to do" items is helpful. For example, I periodically go through the list of blogs I read and decide if they're all worth my time... or think about my other daily habits and whether they're useful to me.

Susan said...

Sounds like you're on top of it! Hope this blog continues to be worth your time!

Brenda said...

Time management. I never put more on my to do list for the day than I know I can get done. I also don't set my standards too high either. LOL

Susan said...

That's smart. Being realistic probably makes you feel like you are accomplishing more.