Monday, July 03, 2006

All about the Benjamins

I'm sorry to have abandoned you again, but I have a good excuse! My sister gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy! I was lucky to be a part of the whole experience and witness Benjamin being born and it was by far the most incredible thing I've ever seen. I knew my sister was one of the strongest people I know, but this blew me away.

I'm usually attached to my e-mail (in an unhealthy way, I admit), but it's funny what a little 8 pound sack of sugar can do to your priorities! I didn't even realize that I had not checked my e-mail in 4 days!

This was my list of priorities last week:
1. Hold Benjamin
2. Wait for him to open his big blue eyes.
That about covers it.

Here are 2 pictures of the new man in my life. Consider yourself lucky, I'm sparing you the other 267. Notice that we didn't waste any time getting him into an Itsy Bitsy & Bold hat.


Cindy said...

Oh, I'm all teared up! He's so beautiful. I'm so happy for you and your family. I've missed you but I don't blame you one bit.

Isn't birth the most amazing thing on Earth? I was lucky enough to witness the birth of my friend's baby and I will NEVER forget it.

Brenda said...

He is beautiful!! Congrats to your sister and your family!

Michelle said...

Congrats Aunt Suz!! He's beautiful!