Monday, July 24, 2006

Christmas in July

I've just made myself a cup of hot cocoa, I'm decked in red and green plaid flannel and I've got Harry Connick, Jr. crooning holiday tunes in the background. Ok, if this was an audio post, this is where everything would come to a screeching halt and you'd hear the needle scratching across a record. It's the end of July, 90-something degrees out (with humidity to boot), and I have to get into the Christmas spirit!

Part of Marketing and P.R. is staying ahead of the game and running on a schedule that's slightly strange and not just a little ironic. Since my stores are starting to buy for Christmas (if they haven't finished already), and the magazines are working on their holiday issues, I have to be thinking about my marketing materials and holiday products way before the flip-flops and innertubes come out of hiding.

There's something kinda sad about always moving on to the next season before this one even gets started. I'm thinking that maybe we rush through things a bit too much. We plan out our summers so every weekend is filled, and then wonder where our summer went. I'm making a new plan to not schedule our days so much that we miss just enjoying them.

Anyway, I've got to run... I have to get going on Valentine's Day before these leaves change colors.


Cindy said...

Mmmm... that hot cocoa sounds nice. :)

Brenda said...

LOL At least when Christmas rolls around you'll be thinking about summer again....maybe have a Hawaiian theme to get you in the mood. LOL

Michelle said...

We tried the not planning thing and we still didn't know where our time went. I guess it's like everything else in life...balance.