Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"The risk of not being risky"

As predicted, I came across something else from Donny Deutsch's book that I wanted to share.

"If you're not moving forward, you risk getting run over from behind. In advertising - as in all industries and organizations- something that is not risky can, in fact, be more risky because it will neither excite an old customer nor attract a new one. You risk everything by risking nothing."

I've said this before, and I'll say it again... don't do what your competition does. Set yourself apart by not even playing in their game. Make up a new one. This goes for anything from your resume, to your marketing plan, to a new product line.

"Zigging when other people zag is the price of entry for being important in anything... Go where tomorrow is. Let everybody else catch up."
What are you doing that's risky? Is it a "good" risky or a "bad" risky?


Brenda said...

hhhmm, nothing really. I'm not much of a risk taker...I actually prefer to go with the crowd LOL I know, I'm boring. LOL

Anonymous said...

Success is all about being willing to risk. In sport it's skill yes, but also the willingness to risk committing to a dream and sacraficing whatever it takes to make it happen. Planning is a huge part of this or having the simple foresight to envision what comes next. Wayne Gretsky made a great but sometimes not so obvious point, "skate to where the puck is going to be not to where it is now." (He's a hockey star, for those none sport types.) The point is success is not possible without risk, work and foresight. Not enough people, in my experience, are lucky enough or even bold enough to have all three.

Susan said...

Brenda - being a mom and being "risky" doesn't really go well together, but aren't you working on a novel? I'd say it's pretty risky putting yourself out there.

Susan said...

I like that saying! And risk, work and foresight is a great combo!