Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Bedside Table

I'm in the middle of reading four books. I never do that because even if they are on two completely different topics, I will inevitably weave both books together in my head. You should have heard the story I came up with when I read "Bridget Jones' Diary" and "Guerilla Trade Show Selling" at the same time. Anyway, here are the four that are on my bedside table. Let me know if you're interested in swapping notes if you've read it or hearing a review if you haven't... or starting our own mini book club!

The Long Tail by Chris Anderson. Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More. Thanks to Cindy for this recommendation!

Your marketing sucks by Mark Stevens. "The hard-nosed guide to implementing ROI marketing." This title did what he wanted it to do - it got my attention.

Too Close to the Falls by Catherine Gildiner. "... a poignant memoir about an intrepid, unforgettable girl and her extraordinary childhood in 1950's small-town America." I read about this book in a magazine - and when I went to buy it, the woman behind the counter said it was hilarious.

BANG! Getting your message heard in a noisy world by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval.

Are you reading anything good?


Brenda said...

Those sound pretty good! I haven't read any of those. How can you read 4 at once? I only have the attention span for one at at time..unless I was in college...then it was several but even then, one book always took precedence over others.
Right now I'm reading "Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mothers Soul". Big surprise there. LOL A friend of mine gave it to me as a gift, and normally I don't care to read the emotionally dripping stories (even more so when hormonally imbalanced!), but so far they are really good and I've only cried once! Not bad. LOL

Cindy said...

The Long Tail is waiting for me at the library.

I've started 2 books lately and both were unexciting. I rarely stop reading books, but I guess I've made bad choices lately. I go by the famous librarian, Nancy Pearl's rule - if you still don't like a book after 50 pages, give it up. There are too many good ones out there to waste your time.

Susan said...

That's funny because I just did the same thing. I was reading "The Devil Wears Prada" (I know - I know - the movie is supposed to be great) but I was getting so annoyed with the main character that it was causing my blood pressure to rise! Not what I want out of a book. I hope this is the one case where the movie is better than the book!