Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Better Day

Building on a response from my "Things I've learned this week" post...

Cindy added one of the things she learned:
"Even when everything seems to be going wrong, a small thing going right can make the day seem much brighter. "
I couldn't agree more. I'm always amazed by how a good order, great inquiry, or note of praise from a customer can turn my day around. Just when I'm thinking that business is slowing down (based on very little but my own fears), the tiniest thing can get me back on track.

I can't say that I like being so easily swayed, I'd like to be more of a Rock - steady in my confidence and Sure of What I'm Doing. But I'm not. And it goes in the other direction too. I have to admit that when I get an unnecessarily rude e-mail or feedback that isn't stellar, however rare that is, it hurts.

My question is - how can I turn my day around on my own? Without having to wait for that little thing to go right - how can I make my day better, more creative, or more productive without that little kick-start? I'm going to think about it and get back to you. If you have any suggestions, I'm open!


Cindy said...

Take a minute to take a deep breath and find something going right that you hadn't noticed. Maybe things in the business world are going terribly, but it's sunny outside... or the rosebush is blooming... or your husband was sweet to you.

I promise that even on the darkest of days, something good is happening.

P.S. Thanks for the quote - makes me feel famous. :)

Brenda said...

For me it's prayer. I take a moment to pray about it. It's amazing how good you feel after having a conversation with God. I also try to think positively. A good, positive attitude can make all the difference, especially if things aren't going well.

Anonymous said...

I've missed your writings while you've been under the weather. Please touch base with us again soon so I might gleen from your knowledge and insight. Best in all things.