Thursday, September 07, 2006

Q&A with my Creative Guru

I thought I'd introduce you to my creative guru who happens to be my favorite (oh yeah, and only) sister. She is a virtual powerhouse of great ideas. She started a business with her husband, Nathan, 12 years ago, designing and printing hand-made couture stationery ( and is about to launch her new blog: Paper Life Style. I'll let you know when it's live!

Susan: Are there certain times of the day when you feel you're at your most creative?
Heather: Absolutely! I feel most creative driving around with the windows down, preferably with a decaf iced coffee in my hand! I take notes on whatever paper is available. At night, when the house is quiet and Nathan and the boys are sleeping I can bank on those notes and start putting them into action. Usually this is after 10 p.m.

S: Just when I'm winding down! What do you do when you are having a creative block?
H: I talk about it. I sometimes have to hit rock bottom- and some real resistance before I get to the good stuff. For instance, once in a while I have to tackle a new painting and I just can't get motivated to do it. I feel like a kid who doesn't want to start their science fair project- its just too big- too daunting. So I just start. Even if I feel like I'm not doing it exactly right.

S: Do you ever worry that the "good stuff" won't come?
H: Not really. I have my tools in place. I also have an awesome creative support system and I definitely rely on their feedback and encouragement.

S: What's the most important thing for you, in being creative? Is it the outcome, the process, both or something in between?
H: I think it's both. I love the process, but I really love the outcome. It is very, very rare that I am not thrilled with the end product of our work. Maybe this is because I am a perfectionist? In any case, it is so exciting to see the first print roll off the press. Or the first invitation fully assembled.

S: Besides your work, what other creative outlets do you have?
H: Cooking! I love anything having to do with food - picking out edibles for the garden, grocery shopping, cooking and baking and eating new foods. And certainly entertaining. I love to make casual get togethers and Passover dinners for 40. There is nothing better than creating a celebratory environment and then to see people you love enjoying being together. Our home and garden are also creative outlets. I really enjoy working with color and surrounding my family with interesting things.

S: Do you prefer to brainstorm on your own - or with others?
H: Both! But I love brainstorming with Nathan and you. It is such a rush to brainstorm with people you love! It's a creative connection - then to see our ideas come to fruition- that is the best. Of course, I also get to brainstorm with our clients- which is a fun challenge. I get to immerse myself in other people's ideas and aesthetic and see their dreams come to life too!


Cindy said...

You're lucky to have such a wonderful sister to share your passions with! And you two make a cute pair. :)

Susan said...

Thanks, Cindy! I know I'm lucky to have her!