Thursday, September 28, 2006

R with a Circle

It only took seven years, but we finally have claim to the name, "What Fun!". I have just received a Certificate of Registration from my brilliant trademark attorney. It's a loooooong story about why it took so damn long. I won't bore you with it, but let's just say, they made us work for it.

"Intellectual Property" is the term used to refer to the confusing game of "owning" a word or phrase. What a strange world we live in, that if you think you were the first one to coin a term, you can pay a certain amount and seven years later, have legal rights to it.

A couple of years ago, the aforementioned brilliant attorney thought to register the actual shape of the soap, which to me, was even more important than the name. Thanks to him, I'm the only one who can make soap in this shape. (Me = 1, Idea-stealers = 0)

I know imitation is the highest form of flattery, but in business, it's the highest form of sleaziness. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have a company copy you - and then show it at the same trade show, a couple of booths down. Or - to not only copy your idea and packaging, but also your text word-for-word.

Not to worry - now I can put that teensy-weensy little R with a circle around it next to What Fun! and know that it's mine.... all mine. Until the year 2016.


Cindy said...

Congrats! :)

Brenda said...

Yay! Congrats! Having graduated with an English degree you'd think I'd be used to the idea of trademarking words, but it still seems like a strange concept! Who know you could "own" a word? "Hey, you can't say that! That's MY word!" LOL
Congrats hon!