Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Motivation Vacation

I'm still hanging in there - with 10 days to go till my due date. As predicted, my businesses are not at the top of my list of priorities at this point, but I still am trying to prepare things so that it can run smoothly without my full attention. I've stocked up on supplies, created a good amount of inventory - ready to go out with little labor needed, prepared wholesale materials for mailing, etc.

I have to admit, it's really strange for me to not have my focus be on work. For the past eight years, my business has been at the forefront of who I am and what I think about (for the most part) And now, to not be proactive in staking out press opportunities, possible retail outlets or new items to add to the line - is just plain weird. Unfortunately, it's a role I'm taking on with gusto.

It worries me somewhat that that intense motivation will never come back, as my priorities will have shifted permanently... and rightfully so. It does keep me up at night (as well as back pain, frequent trips to the bathroom, and of course, the sound of Chester licking his paw) - that nagging question: "What will I do if that passion for all things business-related has fizzled for good?"

I guess I have to have faith that Drive doesn't go away, it just might take a hiatus every now and then. So while my Motivation is sipping Pina Coladas in the Caribbean, I think I'll have to settle with the fact that I am still pretty interested in talking about other peoples' businesses and brainstorming for them. Is that a good sign or am I grasping at straws?

Can you relate? Do you have any advice?


Cindy said...

I read something recently that said that happy people don't have goals that directly conflict with each other... and I've been thinking about that a lot lately.

I think we (women) want so badly to have a successful career and be the perfect mother. And sometimes one of those goals has to be put in front of the other. Not that you can't have both... but you can't let your goals directly conflict with each other. Does that make sense?

Anyway, that thought has helped me make peace with accepting the part time job. It's still moving my career in the right direction while giving me the time (and sanity) to focus on bringing a child into my life. I feel like I'm pursuing two goals that don't conflict now.

Susan said...

That's really interesting - I haven't heard that "conflicting goals" theory - but it would make sense. One would always have to take priority - and for me, that's a no-brainer. Good for you for taking that insight and using it to shape your path. Thanks for sharing.

Michelle said...

Things are about to get real hairy...It sounds like you're already mentaling preparing yourself for your shift in priorities so that's good. Really though, nothing can prepare you...and while you're thrilled with your new bundle you'll surely get a little depressed at watching your old passions (including your first child, the dog) go by the wayside. I dislike being the downer but I swore that this would never happen to me, and, well, it has. On the flip side, I'm happier than I've ever been in a weird, tired and stressed and worried sort of way :) I think it's a great sign that you're considering other options that are totally viable! I might end up taking you up on that offer if I can ever complete my business plan...

Yikes! Only 6 days to go... I'm so happy for you :)