Sunday, April 23, 2006

5 reasons to get away...

I doubt you need these reasons, but just in case...

1. There's something about jumping on a hotel bed. I don't jump on my bed at home, but as soon as I enter my hotel room and see that King-size, perfectly made bed, I can't stop myself from being airborne.
2. Get some space - physically and emotionally. I usually don't realize how much I need it until I'm two days in and reveling in the fact that my surroundings have changed and that I don't have my daily responsibilities. I really feel like ideas come to me easier because I'm not bogged down by the day-to-day crap that gets in the way of creativity. Which leads me to #3...
3. Time to do things you can't find the time to do when you're home. When I'm home, there's always something to do; catch up on e-mails, do laundry, labels soaps, clean the kitchen, etc. When I'm away, I don't have those choices, so I get to read like it's going out of style and indulge in free time to think.
4. Get some sleep! Maybe it was the sun, maybe it was the black-out curtains, or maybe it was the relaxed state of mind. In any case, I fell asleep early and felt rested in the morning. Hallelujah!
5. Feeling refreshed when you return. I feel like I was away for a month, which makes me feel like I'm getting a fresh start on things. I came up with some new ideas while away, and am eager to keep up this level of excitement. Things that were bothering me before I left, don't seem so ominous right now.

What do you like most about getting away?


Cindy said...

Oh, I love that picture! You make me want to go jump on a bed right now! :)

Hmmm... what do I like about getting away? Well, all those things you mentioned... but also reconnecting with my husband. Everytime we go somewhere, I feel like I see him in a fresh light, and I fall in love with him all over again.

Susan said...

That's worth the airline fare right there! I hope, for both of your sakes, that you're taking a trip soon!
Did you jump on the bed? It's totally under-rated!

Cindy said...

:) No trips planned in the near future, but we went on our ski trip not too long ago. I'm hoping we do a little camping this summer.

P.S. Your email is bouncing. Send me an email sometime and we'll see if it goes through

Brenda said...

Sounds like you had a great time!

I don't get away very often- it's hard on one income and a 3 person family. But once in a while I'm able to get away for an hour or two. I love the quiet (Ryan talks and talks) and just being able to be out on my own is nice.

Mary said...

Love that picture. My best friend and I do the same thing. We get into the room see the two beds and can't help but jump on them (we even leap from one to the other). There's just something about jumping on a bed....when it's not yours that is.

I like getting away for the same reasons as you and cindy. Can't wait for some get aways this year.

Susan said...

oooh - double-bed jumping! Now, that's a lucky day! :-)