Monday, April 10, 2006

My magazine "issues"

I have admitted before that I have an obsession for magazines. I have to be careful in the grocery store not to pick a slow-moving line, or I'll be tempted to pick one up and then it will be added to my ridiculous collection at home. The worst part is - my weakness is exacerbated by my job. 1. It's part of the market research I have to do 2. It helps me to read what my customers read 3. That's how I get most of our editorials on our products.

That said, I stumbled upon a new magazine called "Wondertime" and had to pass it along. After flipping through a couple of pages, I realized that it was different from all the other parenting magazines out there. The focus is on the "simple joys of raising a child, and to see the world as our children do - as an awe-inspiring place"

My favorite article ("Dalai Mama" by Catherine Newman) was written by a mom who strives to work less on her to do list and more on the here and now of raising her kids. Other articles ranged from how to raise a kind child to teaching your kid to love books to relaying your family's history. I loved the overall feel of the magazine and thought it was very well done. If you pick it up, let me know what you think!

What are your favorite magazines?


Michelle said...

I regularly read Better Homes & Gardens, Southern Living, and any food magazine!

Susan said...

My regulars are Real Simple and Coastal Living!

Susan said...

It's too bad that you have to wait for a doctors appointment to read a "fun" mag! Maybe you can indulge yourself and pick up a fun mag every now and then, without having to have your blood pressure taken.

Brenda said...

That sounds like a nice magazine! I'll have to check it out!

My favorite magazine is Parents Magazine. I initially got it to help me out when I was pg and then had a newborn. But now that Ryan is 3.5 yrs., I still find it extremely helpful! I have renewed my subscription for it until 2008!