Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Q&A: The big break

What was your first big break in the business?

Less than six months after my first trade show, I got a fax from a buyer for Nordstrom ordering for all their California stores. It was the biggest order I had received at that point, for a whopping $9000 (1/3 of my yearly pay at my last job) and I was shocked. It's not that I didn't see the company being a success or being big, it's that it made it real. Between the big name and the number of zero's behind the nine - it validated my venture. They didn't even try to drive my price down, which is why I will always have an undying love for Nordstrom. That, and the lounge-like bathrooms that could house a small village.

Oh yeah, and the shoes.

What do you consider to be your big break in your career?


Cindy said...

Well, I'm still getting my career off the ground, so my "big break" is yet to come. I'm hoping my internship will help me make some connections to lead to that big break, though!

Susan said...

I got a couple of really good breaks from internships. In my opinion, it's the best thing you can do for your career!
Here's to your big break still to come!

Michelle said...

I wish I had a break to look forward to!! I have a dead end job managing the office (not people, but the office) for a small business. When the old man realized I could handle things, he pretty much retired. After that the bookkeeper left too!! Now, I'm stuck!! Of course in another lifetime, this job was a big break for me. It has helped me on many levels.

Brenda said...

wow! Great job Suz! LOL My big break hasn't come yet! haha I'm hoping to make writng a career...once I finally get this book done I'm hoping my big break will be getting published!

Susan said...

I'm hoping so too! Doesn't matter when your big break comes, just as long as your working toward it and keeping your eyes open! What appears to be small opooruntites may be big breaks in disguise.