Monday, April 03, 2006

The Pay-off of Spring

My sincere apologies for being M.I.A. for the past couple of days, but I am a firm believer in playing hooky every now and then, and when the cherry blossoms are out in D.C., I can think of no better excuse. Friday was one of those days -- a cloudless sky, 70-something degrees, and gasp-inducing pale pink blooms seemed to spring from nowhere. Again, I'm reminded why we put up with winter... the payoff is just so great.

Speaking of pay-offs, I sometimes wonder whether owning my own businesses are worth everything I've put into them; the money, the sleepless nights, the lack of a reliable paycheck, the stressful days when I'm ready to give it all up and be a meter maid (Not that I would do that - I think that's got to be a terrible profession. I hope my large readership of meter-maids doesn't revolt, but seriously, nobody is ever happy to see you.)

Anyway, I'm always amazed how one tiny, miniscule piece of news can send me on a high. Hearing from a magazine I've been trying to get into, getting word that a large chain is interested, or even getting an e-mail from a happy customer, can turn my day around and remind me why I chose this life. Just like a gorgeous spring after a particularly cold winter, I remember what I'm doing it for... because this is what I'm most passionate about and because I couldn't imagine doing anything else.

What is your pay-off? What makes it worth it for you?


Cindy said...

First of all - that pic is beautiful.

My pay off? Hmm... Lately, I get most satisfied by the progress on my house. I love it when guests come over and tell me how nice my house is and how cute my yard is... you should have seen it two years ago!

Susan said...

That's a great pay-off for all the hard work you put into it!

Brenda said...

Great post Suz! I love the pic!

My pay off...well, since I'm a sahm my pay off definitely is seeing Ryan happy. Seeing his smile and laugh everyday, watching him apply what I've taught him, hearing him say "mommy I love you." There's no better pay off than that!

Susan said...

I would agree - that's probably the best pay-off out there - worth every bit you put into it, and you get so much back.