Sunday, March 05, 2006

My own personal new year

On the eve of my birthday, as I do every year, I like to recount the past year... successes, mistakes, high and low points. It's a chance to reflect on where I am and what I want out of the next 365 days. I know that most people do this at the start of the new year, but doing it on my birthday makes it a little more personal. Instead of resolutions, which focus on what not to do, I like to pay attention to what has been working, what I want to accomplish, and where I hope to be this time next year. I think about what I could have done better last year, try to learn from it and move on.

Do you make time to reflect and assess? Is it at a random time or on a milestone?

1 comment:

Susan said...

That's a great idea, and probably what is at the core of a religious holiday - self-reflection.