Thursday, March 02, 2006

Whole Living

As part of my ongoing quest for creativity, I often pick up magazines that I wouldn't normally read. Getting a peek at something outside your world might spur an idea that you wouldn't have come to otherwise. I was flipping through a gardening magazine once (If you know me, you know what a rarity that is - Kevin has the green thumb, mine is black.) Anyway - it had a blurb about a mango festival which gave me the idea to contact stores in the area about our mango soaps, and it worked! At the very least, you're almost guaranteed to learn something new!

Body + Soul isn't a magazine I subscribe to - but it wasn't a huge stretch. I found this on their web site and thought you might like it...

* Happiness is a choice. You can make that choice today and every day.
* Good health isn't a gift; it's a habit you can cultivate.
* Stay connected to the natural world. It will feed your soul.
* Think more about what you should eat more than what you shouldn't.
* Nurture your spirit. It's the source of your strength.
* A healthy, fit body is not enough - true fitness engages the spirit.
* Laugh at yourself. You're funny.
* Believe in yourself. Your intuition is rarely wrong.
* It's never too late to take the first step toward your aspirations.
* What you pay attention to will thrive.

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