Thursday, March 23, 2006

Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures.

While cruising the aisles of the grocery store today, I thought about how it's the little things that make me happy. Besides finding tiny votives that smell like cake batter on aisle 9, these are a few of my favorite things: (and, no, it's not when the dog bites)

- a bouquet of tulips in spring colors
- an unexpected lunch date with Kevin during the work week
- finding something that I was willing to pay full price for, half price!
- luscious lip balm
- a big hug from my 3-year-old nephew
- stationery that I look forward to writing on
- a crisp, sunny day that I get to spend outside
- getting a gift that I know someone put thought into
- a really good pedicure
- fun flip-flops (to show off that pedicure)

What small pleasures do you relish?


Anonymous said...

I have to admit ... a good deal always makes my day! It's like a game for me ... and no matter how much money I'll ever have, I know I'll still be on the hunt for the best buy.

Susan said...

Hi Dorothy,
We share a love for a good deal! I think the trick is only buying when it's a good deal that you will really use. I've bought things before because it was such a great deal - but didn't use it. That's NOT a good deal!

Anonymous said...

Right! And then what you have is a closet full of good deals that add to the clutter which adds to the feeling of complete disorganization!

Cindy said...

- my dog laying in the sunshine, looking like nothing on Earth could make her happier.

- a compliment from a stranger

- sitting on my porchswing, smelling the spring breeze

- dinner with a friend